Outreach Support Service for Minority Owners

Since 2011, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association has been appointed by the Development Bureau to provide assistance to minority owners (especially the elderly owners) of old buildings in Hong Kong who are affected by the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance or private acquisitions. Our service includes providing suitable advice and information as well as accompanying minority owners in need to meet the acquiring party. With support from a cross-functional team of professional consultants, our social workers team helps minority owners facing compulsory sales and acquisitions make suitable and informed decisions.

What is Compulsory Sale?

The Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Chapter 545 of the Laws of Hong Kong), implemented in 1999, stipulates that if any person owns not less than 90% of the property rights in a certain area, they can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order to redevelop that area and compulsorily sell all the property rights in that area. The Lands Tribunal may issue such an order (Compulsory Sale Order) when certain specified conditions are met.

What are Minority Owners?

It means the persons who own undivided shares in the lot but not the persons who have made the application under the Ordinance in relation to the lot.  On the other hand, the persons who have made the application under the Ordinance in relation to the lot are called “Majority Owners”.

Service Target

Minority owners in relation to the Ordinance (Cap.545) and their immediate family members who are affected by compulsory sale or property acquisition by private developers.

Service Charge

Free of charge

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地點:九龍何文田愛民廣場二樓S2 (長者安居協會)

認識收購強拍講座 (荃灣區)



地點:荃灣雅麗珊社區中心禮堂 (荃灣大河道60號地下)





認識收購強拍講座 (灣仔區)




Scope of Services


Explain to minority owners the general practice of property acquisition and the process of compulsory sale under the Ordinance

Outreach Service

Social workers will proactively outreach to buildings affected by acquisition activities to promote the service and will visit households of the minority owners

Community Education

Organize talks, workshops to explain the general practice of property acquisition and the process of compulsory sale under the Ordinance; and to promote the understanding on mediation in compulsory sale

Case Service

Provide case work service to minority owners and refer to professionals such as surveyors or solicitors for advice and assistance *

* The level of professional service fees is subject to specific professional. SCHSA will not charge any referral fees.

Videos (Chinese Only)

1 | 賣樓唔同買棵菜


2 | 收購大不同


3 | 合約條款要睇真


4 | 調解為先創造雙贏


5 | 專業人士助應訊

大廈被發展商申請強拍了,小業主對強拍所知不多,究竟有什麼專業人士或服務可以幫忙 ?

Useful Info

強拍知多啲(Chinese only)

強拍專訊 (Chinese only)

樓偈識 (Chinese only)

Useful Links

Contact Us

Hotline: 2345 5265
Fax: 2344 8680
E-mail: ossmo@schsa.org.hk
Address: S2, 2/F, Oi Man Plaza, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Service Hours  
Monday to Friday : 9:00am to 5:30pm
Satuarday: 9:00am to 12:30pm
  (Except Public Holidays)