Workshop Description

Provide knowledge and practical skillsets to caregivers for those who take care of dementia patients.

Service Beneficiaries

1)  Family Caregivers               2)  Domestic Helpers

Types of Workshop

Family Caregivers Workshop

Provide knowledge and practical skillsets to family members on how to do care plan for the elderly. Also helps caregivers manage stress.

Domestic Helpers Workshop

Provide knowledge and practical skillsets to domestic helpers on how to care for elderly with dementia and how to manage their own caregiving stress. 

工作坊 (一):照顧長期病患長者 — 照顧者工作坊


工作坊 (二):照顧長期病患長者 — 照顧者工作坊

Tips for Caregivers

Caregivers often have to do a lot of stretching, pushing, pulling or exertion.  This could put pressure on their bodies esp their back. So make sure you take care of your own bodies.

Do things that make you relaxed and happy. Listen to your favorite music.

Laughing can do miracles.  Read a good book.  Watch a comedy.  Think about what makes you happy today. Discover the joy in everyday life.

Other Workshop

Many fun and practical classes.

Brain Health & Cognitive

Provide online exercises that can enhance cognitive abilities and brain health in order to prevent or slow down cognitive impairment for people suspected or diagnosed with dementia.